Khaled El Haber, born in 1956 in Beirut, is a celebrated singer known for his politically charged songs that resonate across Lebanon and the Arab world. His artistic journey began in 1974 when he started performing as a solo artist, accompanied only by his guitar. This initial phase set the stage for his significant contributions to political and protest music, where he sang about various social issues and injustices currently happening in the Arab world and internationally.
In 1975, Khaled El Haber founded Al-Firqah (The Band), marking a pivotal expansion in his career. With this ensemble, he embarked on tours across Lebanon and extended his reach to Arab and European capitals. His musical compositions often incorporate poems from prominent Lebanese and Palestinian poets, including Mahmoud Darwish, Samih Al-Qasim, Tawfiq Ziad, and Joseph Harb. These literary influences add profound depth to his songs, which frequently address themes of social justice, human rights and politics.
Khaled El Haber’s work is deeply rooted in advocacy, particularly concerning the plight of oppressed people and occupied land. His dedication to the Palestinian cause is evident in several of his works and songs, reflecting his commitment to highlighting and addressing critical human rights issues. His music serves as a main platform for raising awareness and highlighting support for these causes as well as using his voice to speak out on world issues, and have it reach a wider audience.
Over the years, Khaled El Haber has maintained a dynamic and steady presence in the music scene, performing in various venues both within Lebanon and internationally. His concerts continue to draw audiences who are moved by his passionate performances and the powerful messages embedded in his songs. Through his enduring commitment to political and social advocacy, El Haber remains a significant figure in the world of music and activism.


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