Ayman Essa was born in Gaza City in 1974. He completed his BA in Fine Arts at Al-Najah National University in Nablus in 1999. In 2011, he earned an MA degree in Fine Arts from the University of Helwan in Egypt. In 2014, he was granted an art residency at the International City of Arts in Paris.

Throughout his career, Essa has showcased his work in numerous solo exhibitions, including “Mysticism of Blues” at Ro’aa Gallery in Amman (2016), “Body” at Gallery One in Ramallah (2014), “Dlaleh” at Al Mahatta Gallery in Ramallah (2009), and “Dullness” at the A M Qattan Foundation in Ramallah (2005). He has also actively participated in group exhibitions both in Palestine and abroad.

Some notable group exhibitions featuring Essa’s work include “Cultural Narratives” at Alserkal Avenue in Dubai (2018), “Postcards for Jerusalem” at The Palestinian Art Court Al Hoash in Jerusalem (2017), “Imago Mundi – Mediterranean Routes” at ZAC, Zisa Zona Arti Contemporanee in Palermo, and the International Art Exhibition GENTES in Malta (2012). He has also participated in the Rome Biennale for Young Artists in Italy (1999), a traveling exhibition of ten artists from Gaza in France (2005), “10 Art” at Shababeek in Gaza (2010), “Art from Palestine” in the UK (2006), an exhibition in Tokyo (2006), and an exhibition at Galerie Lacadi, Karajac, in France (2009), among others. 

Ayman Essa’s artistic journey has been marked by his unique expression and exploration of various themes, with a particular focus on portraits of elegant women adorned with blue hues. Through his work, Essa captures the mysticism and allure of the feminine form, infusing his paintings with a sense of enchantment and introspection. Ayman Essa recently relocated to Egypt from Gaza due to the ongoing Israeli genocide war against the Palestinians.


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