Aude Abou Nasr is a French Lebanese illustrator, artist, animator and photographer based in Marseille, France. She works with various independent platforms in the Middle East and Europe, striving to give a platform to unheard voices and social issues, allowing her to interweave her activism with her illustrations.

Aude Abou Nasr mainly produces her art with bold and vivid colors, juxtaposing dark topics with bright works of art. Her medium contains mostly of digital art. She has worked on designing book covers, packaging designs, editorial commissions and collaborating with other artists and writers. Her photography is also a big aspect of her artistic expression. Often depicting muted colors and serene subjects, her photography highlights the calm presentations of her homeland and sea, further connecting her to her place of belonging. She is also an animator. Bringing movement and dynamism to her illustrations allow her to enhance her audiences connections on a more in-depth level, allowing important topics and themes to resonate more than just the surface level.

Aude Abou Nasr always aims to touch upon many social and cultural topics in her illustrations, spanning from inequality and feminism to war and occupation. Nasr is an activist first-hand. She expresses injustices, highlighting global issues that need to be addressed through art and color. She also often comments on the impacts of zionism, seeking to portray the effects of displacement and disarray. Nasr aims to give a more relevant, accurate, and critical understanding of the changes operating in both the East and the West, and how those changes have affected us in this current day and age.

Aude Abou Nasr not only dedicates herself to art but various other world organizations and initiatives such as grassroots NGOs, and initiatives including the Half of Syria campaign, Domestic Workers Unite and, Egna Legna in Lebanon. She is the co-founder of the 0602 Project. Aude has also collaborated with institutions such as the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, Warehouse421 in Abu Dhabi, and Holma Photo in Malta. She has worked with these various organizations to produce works primarily in illustration including stories, series, comics, and animations.


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