Shada Safadi is a visual artist born in Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights. She finished a two-year-class in painting and etching at Adham Ismail Institute in Damascus in 2003, before she joined the department of painting at Damascus University, in which she graduated from with a degree in fine arts in 2005. Safadi is a founding member of Fateh Al Mudarris Center for Arts and Culture in the occupied Golan. Safadi won the 3rd prize in the A.M. Qattan Foundation’s Young Artist of the Year Award for her series of paintings, In the Presence of the Crow, in 2008. Her work has been a part of a number of group exhibitions in Syria, Palestine, Sweden, and the UK, including “Fragile Bodies” in the Mosaic Rooms, A.M. Qattan Foundation in London (2009), and Khalil Sakakini Center’s Open Studio Program (2009 and 2010), “Golan Spring” in the French Cultural Center in Jerusalem (2012), Golamea project in Gallery Konsthögskolan in Sweden (2013). She began her participation in the Syrian Cultural Caravan in 2014.

She also participated in the “Cité Internationale des Arts” art residency in Paris, France (2014). She has also participated in multiple solo exhibitions, including a solo exhibit at Fateh Al Mudarris Center in 2006. She currently lives and works between Majdal Shams in occupied Golan Heights and Ramallah, Palestine.


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